Counter strike source ranks
Counter strike source ranks

counter strike source ranks

The New Challengers: The top eight teams from the New Challengers Stage gain Challenger status at the current Major and proceed to face off The Current Legends. The Legends: The top eight teams from every Major gain "Legend" status, and are automatically qualified to the next Major's New Legends Stage as The Current Legends. Teams Īt the Majors, teams earn certain titles based on how far they make it into the major and where they came from. The New Champions Stage (formerly the Playoffs)Įight teams (The New Legends) fight to become the Major Champion. The New Legends Stage (formerly the Group Stage)ġ6 teams (The New Challengers & The Current Legends) fight for the eight spots at The New Champions Stage and to become The New Legends. The New Challengers Stage (formerly the Offline Qualifier)ġ6 teams (The Previous Major's Fallen & The Minors' Champions) fight for eight open spots at the The New Legends Stage. This change increased the number of teams at the Major Championships from 16 to 24 and re-named each stage of the tournament.

counter strike source ranks

Starting from ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018, Valve announced a new overall tournament format, which brought in the Offline Qualifier as a part of the Major Championship. 5.5 Players That Have Attended All Majors.

Counter strike source ranks